Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude go to Jerry Buell, who is our top Area III volunteer for 2023! This year, 531 dedicated Area III volunteers logged 11,107 hours at 53 recognized events into the Eventing Volunteers app. We stand in awe at your generosity to support and keep this sport running!
This summer, we lost 2022’s top volunteer, our friend Dick Owen. The fact that he still earned second place on this list should tell you what a dedicated member of the community he was, and highlights the impact his absence will have moving forward. Mr. Owen, we salute you and will forever miss your smiling face.
Let’s all give a shout out to the volunteers at your next event of the new season, and especially these superstars! Our top 25 volunteer heroes for 2023 are:
Buell, Jerry (FL)
Owen, Dick (FL)
Buell, Lynne (FL)
Slagle, David (TN)
Hale, Catherine (FL
Bird, Diane (SC)
Bird, Art (SC)
Farrow, Karin (MA)
Smith, Cynthia (GA)
Bandrofchak, John (GA)
p. muramatsu, masae (FL)
Hahn, Virginia (Ginny) (FL)
Steele, Cheryl (FL)
Lee, Carol (FL)
Fraley, Barb (FL)
Mumme, Karen (FL)
Eakle, Jeffrey (GA)
Eakle, Darlene (GA)
Allison, Gail (FL)
Glaccum, Bambi (PA)
Bush, Kim (SC)
Kaplan, Suzanne (SC)
Kircher , Heather (FL)
Allison , Tristan (FL)
Lee, Virginia (SC)