Follow these steps to sign up for the ride-a-test and stadium clinic!
Greetings young riders and parents,
Area III Young Rider program is offering a ride-a-test and stadium clinic on March 27th (a Sunday) at Ashland Farm. This clinic will give all USEA members a chance to practice the new tests for 2022 in front of a "L" judge, receive feedback, and have a short lesson to improve the test. You then have the option to ride the test again to see if you improved. We are also offering stadium lessons in groups of four for 1 1/2 hours each with one of our Area Selectors, Sarah Dunkerton Sizemore. Come enjoy a beautiful facility with us at the end of March and hone your skills before you start competing this year or before you seriously start competing for those who are already competing.
Lee Ann Gilson
Area III Young Rider Coordinator