The Young Riders Program invites all USEA members to meet our new Area III Coach, Ashley Johnson, in this one-day cross country clinic at the Florida Horse Park. Riders will be grouped by level in either a morning or an afternoon cross country session. Lunch will be provided from 12:30 -1:30, during which time Ashley will discuss the findings of her recent study on the elements of flow, resilience and use of performance strategies in elite three-day event riders as well as a Young Rider game plan for 2022! Come and join us!
Deadline to register is April 16, 2022. Download and fill out your registration packet here.
USEA Young Rider/Adult Rider members: $115.00
Non YR/AR Members: $150.00
Lunch Lecture Only: $10.00
Stabling is available at $35.00/night.
Cross country clinic auditing is free!
Click here to pay online.
Please choose “YR Camp” in the “Payment for” pulldown menu.