Hooray for our 2024 top volunteers!

In 2024, 503 volunteers logged 10,892 volunteer hours at 49 events in Area III. Thanks to every single one of you for your dedication and love for the sport! And now, your 2024 top volunteer…(drumroll please)…Catherine Hale! <3

Make a point to show kindness to all volunteers at all events in the new season, and especially these standouts! Our top 25 volunteer heroes for 2024 are:

1               Hale, Catherine

2               Buell, Jerry       

3               Buell, Lynne    

4               Bird, Diane                         

5               Farrow, Karin

6               Bird, Art

7               P. Muramatsu, Masae

8               Fraley, Barb

9               Eakle, Darlene

10            Steele, Cheryl

11            Lee, Carol

12            Mumme, Karen

13            Schall, Scarlett

14            Eakle, Jeffrey

15            Lee, Virginia

16            Paulk, Pam

17            Glaccum, Bambi

18            Smith, Cynthia

19            Diamond, Beth

20            Bandrofchak, John

21            Murray-Hogrefe, Nancy

22            Frable, Dawn

23            Kaplan, Suzanne

24            Hogan, Laurie

25            Marsh, Karla