A message from the Adult Rider Coordinator

Howdy all Area III Adult Riders.

I’m Cindy Phillips (Kennedy), newly appointed Coordinator. I’m in the process of adding Rider Reps from each state in our area.

Rider reps will help me coordinate clinics and events in their respective areas.

Please email me if you're interested:


Our goal this year is to focus on more educational activities such as clinics, ride a tests, watch parties, and anything else we can think of to bring Adult Riders together and share ideas.

We have scheduled 3 activities so far this year, but none have filled. Please help us spread the word.

We are here for you. Let us know what you want and we’ll do all we can to make it happen.



If you haven’t received an email, check your adult rider status with USEA and let me know.

2022 Young Riders Coach and Selectors Named

Greetings Area III Young Riders and parents,

The Area III council met last night and voted unanimously on our coach and selectors for 2022. I am pleased to announce that our Area III Coach is Ashley Johnson and our Area III Selectors are Hilda Donahue, Lauren Eckardt, Michael Pollard, and Sarah Dunkerton Sizemore. I believe this is going to be an exciting year and hope you have renewed your Young Rider membership.

Just a reminder if you want Area III Young Rider swag the fundraiser closes tomorrow night (the 24th). Go to https://customink.com/fundraising/area3youngriderscollection to check out what is offered.


Lee Ann Gilson

Area III Young Rider Coordinator

Congratulations and Thanks to the Top Ten 2021 Area III Volunteers!

According to eventingvolunteers.com, 493 volunteers contributed 10,298 hours of service in Area III during 2021! This can only be an underestimate, since not all volunteers and hours were captured by the website and app. Area III extends our gratitude to every one of you - thank you for making Area III events not only possible, but truly great! Here are the top ten Area III volunteers for 2021 (www.eventingvolunteers.com) :

Ranking Name   
1       Smith, Cynthia (GA)    
2       Slagle, David (TN)     
3       Hale, Catherine (CA)   
4       Bird, Diane (SC)       
5       Owen, Dick (FL)        
6       Farrow, Karin (MA)     
7       Bird, Art (SC) 
8       Jezerski, Cindy (FL)   
9       Schall, Scarlett (SC)  
10      p. muramatsu, masae (FL)       

Area III has matched the grant funds USEA provides for top volunteers. The top three volunteers will be given gift cards at early 2022 events.